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1from copy import copy
3from import AtodzukeAnalyzer
4from import ChinitsuAnalyzer
5from import HonitsuAnalyzer
6from import TanyaoAnalyzer
7from import ToitoiAnalyzer
8from import YakuhaiAnalyzer
9from import EnemyDanger, TileDanger
10from import PossibleFormsAnalyzer
11from import StatisticsCollector
12from mahjong.meld import Meld
13from mahjong.tile import TilesConverter
14from mahjong.utils import is_honor, is_terminal, plus_dora
15from utils.general import separate_tiles_by_suits
18class EnemyAnalyzer:
19 enemy = None
20 threat_reason = None
22 RIICHI_COST_SCALE = [2000, 3900, 5200, 8000, 8000, 12000, 12000, 16000, 16000, 32000]
23 RIICHI_DEALER_COST_SCALE = [2900, 5800, 7700, 12000, 12000, 18000, 18000, 24000, 24000, 48000]
25 def __init__(self, player):
26 self.enemy = player
27 self.table = player.table
29 # is our bot
30 self.main_player = self.table.player
31 self.possible_forms_analyzer = PossibleFormsAnalyzer(self.main_player)
33 def serialize(self):
34 return {"seat":, "threat_reason": self.threat_reason}
36 @property
37 def enemy_discards_until_all_tsumogiri(self):
38 """
39 Return all enemy discards including the last one from the hand but not further
40 """
41 discards = self.enemy.discards
43 if not discards:
44 return []
46 discards_from_hand = [x for x in discards if not x.is_tsumogiri]
47 if not discards_from_hand:
48 return []
50 last_from_hand = discards_from_hand[-1]
51 index_of_last_from_hand = discards.index(last_from_hand)
53 return discards[: index_of_last_from_hand + 1]
55 @property
56 def in_tempai(self) -> bool:
57 """
58 Try to detect is user in tempai or not
59 """
60 # simplest case, user in riichi
61 if self.enemy.in_riichi:
62 return True
64 if len(self.enemy.melds) == 4:
65 return True
67 return False
69 @property
70 def is_threatening(self) -> bool:
71 """
72 We are trying to determine other players current threat
73 """
74 round_step = len(self.enemy.discards)
76 if self.enemy.in_riichi:
77 self._create_danger_reason(EnemyDanger.THREAT_RIICHI, round_step=round_step)
78 return True
80 melds = self.enemy.melds
81 # we can't analyze closed hands for now
82 if not melds:
83 return False
85 active_yaku = []
86 sure_han = 0
88 yakuhai_analyzer = YakuhaiAnalyzer(self.enemy)
89 if yakuhai_analyzer.is_yaku_active():
90 active_yaku.append(yakuhai_analyzer)
91 sure_han = yakuhai_analyzer.melds_han()
93 yaku_analyzers = [
94 ChinitsuAnalyzer(self.enemy),
95 HonitsuAnalyzer(self.enemy),
96 ToitoiAnalyzer(self.enemy),
97 TanyaoAnalyzer(self.enemy),
98 ]
100 for x in yaku_analyzers:
101 if x.is_yaku_active():
102 active_yaku.append(x)
104 if not active_yaku:
105 active_yaku.append(AtodzukeAnalyzer(self.enemy))
106 sure_han = 1
108 # FIXME: probably our approach here should be refactored and we should not care about cost
109 if not sure_han:
110 main_yaku = [x for x in active_yaku if not x.is_absorbed(active_yaku)]
111 if main_yaku:
112 sure_han = main_yaku[0].melds_han()
113 else:
114 sure_han = 1
116 meld_tiles = self.enemy.meld_tiles
117 dora_count = sum(
118 [plus_dora(x, self.table.dora_indicators, add_aka_dora=self.table.has_aka_dora) for x in meld_tiles]
119 )
120 sure_han += dora_count
122 if len(melds) == 1 and round_step > 5 and sure_han >= 4:
123 self._create_danger_reason(
124 EnemyDanger.THREAT_OPEN_HAND_AND_MULTIPLE_DORA, melds, dora_count, active_yaku, round_step
125 )
126 return True
128 if len(melds) >= 2 and round_step > 4 and sure_han >= 3:
129 self._create_danger_reason(
130 EnemyDanger.THREAT_EXPENSIVE_OPEN_HAND, melds, dora_count, active_yaku, round_step
131 )
132 return True
134 if len(melds) >= 1 and round_step > 10 and sure_han >= 2 and self.enemy.is_dealer:
135 self._create_danger_reason(
136 EnemyDanger.THREAT_OPEN_HAND_UNKNOWN_COST, melds, dora_count, active_yaku, round_step
137 )
138 return True
140 # we are not sure how expensive this is, but let's be a little bit careful
141 if (round_step > 14 and len(melds) >= 1) or (round_step > 9 and len(melds) >= 2) or len(melds) >= 3:
142 self._create_danger_reason(
143 EnemyDanger.THREAT_OPEN_HAND_UNKNOWN_COST, melds, dora_count, active_yaku, round_step
144 )
145 return True
147 return False
149 def get_melds_han(self, tile_34) -> int:
150 melds_han = 0
152 for yaku_analyzer in self.threat_reason["active_yaku"]:
153 if not (tile_34 in yaku_analyzer.get_safe_tiles_34()) and not yaku_analyzer.is_absorbed(
154 self.threat_reason["active_yaku"], tile_34
155 ):
156 melds_han += yaku_analyzer.melds_han() * yaku_analyzer.get_tempai_probability_modifier()
158 return int(melds_han)
160 def get_assumed_hand_cost(self, tile_136, can_be_used_for_ryanmen=False) -> int:
161 """
162 How much the hand could cost
163 """
164 if self.enemy.in_riichi:
165 return self._calculate_assumed_hand_cost_for_riichi(tile_136, can_be_used_for_ryanmen)
166 return self._calculate_assumed_hand_cost(tile_136)
168 @property
169 def number_of_unverified_suji(self) -> int:
170 maximum_number_of_suji = 18
171 verified_suji = 0
172 suits = separate_tiles_by_suits(TilesConverter.to_34_array([x * 4 for x in self.enemy.all_safe_tiles]))
173 for suit in suits:
174 # indices started from 0
175 suji_indices = [[0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8]]
176 for suji in suji_indices:
177 if suit[suji[0]] and suit[suji[2]]:
178 verified_suji += 2
179 elif suit[suji[0]] or suit[suji[2]]:
180 verified_suji += 1
181 if suit[suji[1]]:
182 verified_suji += 1
183 elif suit[suji[1]]:
184 verified_suji += 2
185 result = maximum_number_of_suji - verified_suji
186 assert result >= 0, "number of unverified suji can't be less than 0"
187 return result
189 @property
190 def unverified_suji_coeff(self) -> int:
191 return self.calculate_suji_count_coeff(self.number_of_unverified_suji)
193 @staticmethod
194 def calculate_suji_count_coeff(unverified_suji_count: int) -> int:
195 return (TileDanger.SUJI_COUNT_BOUNDARY - unverified_suji_count) * TileDanger.SUJI_COUNT_MODIFIER
197 def _get_dora_scale_bonus(self, tile_136):
198 tile_34 = tile_136 // 4
199 scale_bonus = 0
201 dora_count = plus_dora(tile_136, self.table.dora_indicators, add_aka_dora=self.table.has_aka_dora)
203 if is_honor(tile_34):
204 closed_hand_34 = TilesConverter.to_34_array(self.main_player.closed_hand)
205 revealed_tiles = self.main_player.number_of_revealed_tiles(tile_34, closed_hand_34)
206 if revealed_tiles < 2:
207 scale_bonus += dora_count * 3
208 else:
209 scale_bonus += dora_count * 2
210 else:
211 scale_bonus += dora_count
213 return scale_bonus
215 def _calculate_assumed_hand_cost(self, tile_136) -> int:
216 tile_34 = tile_136 // 4
218 melds_han = self.get_melds_han(tile_34)
219 if melds_han == 0:
220 return 0
222 scale_index = melds_han
223 scale_index += self.threat_reason.get("dora_count", 0)
224 scale_index += self._get_dora_scale_bonus(tile_136)
226 if self.enemy.is_dealer:
227 scale = [1000, 2900, 5800, 12000, 12000, 18000, 18000, 24000, 24000, 24000, 36000, 36000, 48000]
228 else:
229 scale = [1000, 2000, 3900, 8000, 8000, 12000, 12000, 16000, 16000, 16000, 24000, 24000, 32000]
231 # add more danger for kan sets (basically it is additional hand cost because of fu)
232 for meld in self.enemy.melds:
233 if meld.type != Meld.KAN and meld.type != Meld.SHOUMINKAN:
234 continue
236 if meld.opened:
237 # enemy will get additional fu for opened honors or terminals kan
238 if is_honor(meld.tiles[0] // 4) or is_terminal(meld.tiles[0] // 4):
239 scale_index += 1
240 else:
241 # enemy will get additional fu for closed kan
242 scale_index += 1
244 if scale_index > len(scale) - 1:
245 scale_index = len(scale) - 1
246 elif scale_index == 0:
247 scale_index = 1
249 return scale[scale_index - 1]
251 def _calculate_assumed_hand_cost_for_riichi(self, tile_136, can_be_used_for_ryanmen) -> int:
252 scale_index = 0
254 if self.enemy.is_dealer:
255 scale = EnemyAnalyzer.RIICHI_DEALER_COST_SCALE
256 else:
257 scale = EnemyAnalyzer.RIICHI_COST_SCALE
259 riichi_stat = StatisticsCollector.collect_stat_for_enemy_riichi_hand_cost(
260 tile_136, self.enemy, self.main_player
261 )
263 # it wasn't early riichi, let's think that it could be more expensive
264 if 6 <= riichi_stat["riichi_called_on_step"] <= 11:
265 scale_index += 1
267 # more late riichi, probably means more expensive riichi
268 if riichi_stat["riichi_called_on_step"] >= 12:
269 scale_index += 2
271 if self.enemy.is_ippatsu:
272 scale_index += 1
274 # there are too many live dora tiles, let's increase hand cost
275 if riichi_stat["live_dora_tiles"] >= 4:
276 scale_index += 1
278 # if we are discarding dora we are obviously going to make enemy hand more expensive
279 scale_index += self._get_dora_scale_bonus(tile_136)
281 # plus two just because of riichi with kan
282 scale_index += riichi_stat["number_of_kan_in_enemy_hand"] * 2
283 # higher danger for doras
284 scale_index += riichi_stat["number_of_dora_in_enemy_kan_sets"]
285 # higher danger for yakuhai
286 scale_index += riichi_stat["number_of_yakuhai_enemy_kan_sets"]
288 # let's add more danger for all other opened kan sets on the table
289 scale_index += riichi_stat["number_of_other_player_kan_sets"]
291 # additional danger for tiles that could be used for tanyao
292 # 456
293 if riichi_stat["tile_category"] == "middle":
294 scale_index += 1
296 # additional danger for tiles that could be used for tanyao
297 # 23 or 78
298 if riichi_stat["tile_category"] == "edge" and can_be_used_for_ryanmen:
299 scale_index += 1
301 if scale_index > len(scale) - 1:
302 scale_index = len(scale) - 1
304 return scale[scale_index]
306 def _create_danger_reason(self, danger_reason, melds=None, dora_count=0, active_yaku=None, round_step=None):
307 new_danger_reason = copy(danger_reason)
308 new_danger_reason["melds"] = melds
309 new_danger_reason["dora_count"] = dora_count
310 new_danger_reason["active_yaku"] = active_yaku
311 new_danger_reason["round_step"] = round_step
313 self.threat_reason = new_danger_reason